In Reflection Catherine Meyers |
This week I have chosen the them of reflection. Take some time over the next few days to reflect on what your life looks like right now. Without hurrying to fix things, simply slow down a bit and notice what is calling for attention. Even before you do a self-guided tour of your home, office or studio, think about the spaces that are draining your energy right now. From where you're sitting, that's right, don't get up. Just remind yourself of what you walk by repeatedly that calls out to you each time. For months I felt the call of the top of my refrigerator. I got myself a step ladder, and still did not answer. Finally one day, I set up the step ladder, climbed aboard, and took a look at what I needed to deal with. In no time at all, and much less fuss than I had anticipated, the top of my fridge was in great shape. So now, make a short list of those places that have been calling you. Just make the list, don't rush off to fix them now.
After completing your list, reflect some more about how your home or office is arranged to serve its purpose. Think about your kitchen counters, for example, or your desk. Is it set up so that it meets your needs? What do you need more or less of in the spaces that need attention? Where is the clutter in your house? In closets or on surfaces? Under beds or behind doors? Make another short list (5 items or less) of what you biggest problem areas are. We want to take small bites so that we don't wear ourselves out before we even get part way into our organizing process.
Now we have a list of areas that are calling you and 5 problem areas that you feel need to be dealt with. Next take the next 10 minutes to do two things. First, clear off the surfaces in one or two rooms. If you live in a small space, clear off all the surfaces. And put the things on the surfaces in a box or sack. Don't put them back right away. Second, go to your closets and cupboards and find 10 items that you are no longer wearing or using, and put them in a bag or box to recycle. The box or bag will become your GO box. When you've filled it up, put it somewhere near the door you use when you leave the house.
Finally, take a look at your lists and prioritize them. For some people, starting with the smallest tasks first is the way to go. For others of us, starting with the biggest jobs works better. Do what suits you. For example, the fridge may be the one thing that gets most out of control so it may give you the biggest boost to do tackle cleaning the fridge out first. Go back to the surfaces you've just cleared and give each one a nice cleaning. For wood, use a nice, good-smelling furniture polish or oil to clean. For glass tops, I use alcohol and newspapers to get a clear, streak-free surface. For other surfaces, use something like Mrs. Meyers all purpose cleaner. Mrs. Meyers products have natural oils and are formulated to use aromatherapeutic scents to clean your home. Doing this few things over the next few days will set you on the road to straightening up and will help you get ready to organize your home, office, and studio or workshop.
For an immediate infusion of energy into your home, open the windows, get out and pick a bouquet of flowers or herbs and place them on the table or in the kitchen. Make a big pot of iced tea or brew up a pot of tea and serve yourself in your finest cups. Take a few minutes every hour or so to mindfully take a deep breath, straighten up your body, and walk around in appreciation of what a good life you have. Enjoy your weekend and have fun reflecting on how you can begin to straighten up and organize for a more harmonious life.
Excellent ideas for tackling the clutter in my life. I love the simplicity of the first steps to take. I am doing the reflections today and have made notes of the next steps to take. Even the smallest place needs to be harmonious and clutter free. Thank you!