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My Guitar Catherine Al-Meten Meyers |
Preparing for the New Year
As the old year winds down, it is natural to reflect on what has happened in the past and what we hope will happen in the future. We mark the passing of time, and this is a good practice to remind us of how our energy has been used. Try to do some intentional preparing before the new year begins.
- Assessing. Take a look around. Observe how your home and surroundings are. Notice where there are areas that need to be cleared, cleaned, or rearranged. Make note of what needs tending to, and then prioritize your list (not everything is of equal importance). Look at yourself-your health, your physical appearance and hygiene, your dress and hair style---all those things that reflect how you feel about yourself. Notice the colors you're being drawn to. What, if anything, needs addressing?
- Decluttering. Spend some time decluttering your home, your car, your desk, your office, your purse, and the areas around your doors. As you do this, separate items you want to give away, repurpose, or trash into baskets/bags, and pack them in your car so that you can take them to their intended destination before the new year.
Clearing. Going through files, drawers, cupboards, closets, and rooms to rid yourself of unnecessary items, is a form of decluttering, but focuses more on releasing energy that is more hidden. Files on computers or in filing cabinets/paper files, canned goods, products, outdated medicine, makeup, photo files (hard and efiles), and any other place where items sit unused or unneeded in some form. Everything we have holds a certain amount of our energy, and when we can release ourselves from that energy, we free the energy up to use in more creative and productive ways. For example, in the interest of conserving resources, I save glass jars. My plan is to repurpose them, but often I create an overabundance of them. Recycling or giving to someone who will use them is a better idea of having them taking up space and energy. It's also a very good Feng Shui principle to give things away to those who need them or will use them. A good friend is very good at giving items she once loved to someone new to love that item.
Giving away something of value to someone we care deeply for is also a great way to release ourselves from being too attached to a possession while realizing its value lies in being able to pass it to someone new to enjoy. Jewelry is one item that we often pass along, and it's a very good idea to share our beautiful things with those who could use a little more beauty in their lives. My most precious gifts are those items of jewelry that someone has given me, a bracelet of my Mothers', earrings of a friend, a necklace or ring that someone has worn and now passes along to me. It's easier to give away something that doesn't mean anything to us; it's harder to give away something of value, but there is a special magic and power in that kind of gifting.
Make the new year (or any transition time) an occasion to notice how you feel about your attachments to your surroundings, and even to your own habits.
Cleaning. Good Feng Shui is created when we allow the Chi/Energy to flow more freely. This pertains to both the arrangement and the condition of our homes, work spaces, and ourselves. Clean out the drains (vinegar and baking soda is a simple, non-toxic way to do this). Clean out the refrigerator.
Taking a hint from Jewish practices of the Sabbath, try to have all your cooking and cleaning done the day before New Years, so you arrive into the new year with everything clean and in place and you relieve yourself of having to work too much as the year begins. One of the blessings of Feng Shui is creating a flow of energy that allows you to balance all areas of your life--body, mind, and spirit. Allow yourself time and energy to enjoy life, get enough rest, and find ways to balance work with the joy of living.
Change your linens, get the laundry done, clean up any messes that create negative Chi/energy in your home. Clean up the areas around your doors, and adorn them with something red or gold (good luck colors). Change your clothes, and dress up a bit. Clean out your wallet and purse (get a new red wallet for yourself).
Creating an Inviting Home. Along with decorating your doors for guests coming and going, make your home inviting. Yesterday I stopped to admire the beautiful winter bouquets in my little neighborhood market, and the shop owner gave me a bouquet. It is full of white and red flowers, adorned with red tissue, and brightens up my home. Rearrange your home to take advantage of the light and open all the windows (even briefly if it's stormy) to let in fresh air.
A year ago I moved, and realized that years of wear and tear and pets had made my rugs past their shelf life. A friend gave me a gift of two new rugs, and now I realize how important it is to keep the house not only looking good but also making it easier to keep clean and presentable. Area rugs are often on sale at this time of year, and provide an easy, colorful update to your environment. Donate the rugs and let someone else get the use out of the ones you let go of. Garage sales, yards sales, and clearance sales are great spots to find new lighting. Lamps are fairly easy to repair, and provide much needed light and style to your decor.
Change up the color in your decor. This year I've added a lot of red, purple, and blue to my decorating. While on vacation I found some beautiful, inexpensive curtain panels at Target. Now I'm going to replace my vertical blinds with a big dash of color and more privacy. Add a dash of color to your wardrobe, your hair, or your accessories. Pick colors that enliven you, and notice what colors in your wardrobe or house are faded, worn out, or outdated for who you are now. Take the occasion to spruce things up, and in the process, get rid of what you no longer need. As you add to your life, be sure to release something in kind. For every new piece of clothing, one or two pieces go to be recycled. Same thing with items and pieces of art.
Be sure to use the five Feng Shui elements throughout your home. Wood, Fire, Water, Air, and Metal can help to balance the energy and vibrancy creating a better flow when placed in the home. For example, wood and water elements placed in the South and Southeast corner of your home/room/space will attract greater prosperity. Wood furniture and lush plants in the East areas of the house attract good health and well being.
Setting Intentions. One thing I've noticed for myself and have heard others also mention is that this time is a time to rest and relax. A time out, so to speak when we recharge our batteries and take some much-needed time to get outdoors, take a nap, read a book, catch up with friends, or simply spend time alone being quiet and peaceful. We might meditate or take long walks. Whatever we choose to do this weekend, let's include a little time to set some intentions for the next year. One mantra that has been running through my mind is 'be simple'; another is 'surrender to what is'. Your callings may be much different. Listen to that inner voice, the answer to those prayers of yours, or those desires you've had that you may have put on the shelf over and over. Rather that thinking about what you're going to change, think about what's working that you want to keep doing. Make a list of all that you've accomplished over the last year. Or a list of all that has changed since last new years. Make a list of what you are thankful for. And then consider what you want to release and not carry forward into the new year.
Your home and all the spaces where you spend your time/energy/Chi are sources of energy for your life. If you are unhappy with any aspect of your life, it is essential that you identify what it is that needs changing, and then make some effort to bring about changes in that area in the new year. Not to do so, means you carry that unhappy energy into your new year. Someone once told me when I wasn't feeling good about life to 'act as if'. To dress up, imagine myself as the happy person I wanted to be, the healthy person, the prosperous person, and then act as if I were.
So much of what happens to us in our lives is in direct proportion to how we're feeling about ourselves, others, situations, or conditions, and and what kind of energy we put into improving and lifting ourselves and others. Our thoughts and actions are powerful sources of energy, so do a bit of self reflecting and set some intentions for improving. And then act as if it is already true. All actions have their roots in the imagination...thinking something could be or is so. Fill your mind with good positive thoughts of what you see yourself being, doing, having, creating, and achieving.
Tomorrow, we'll talk about celebrating the new year.
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